Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Motherhood: A New Journey

Four years ago, I remember going through one of the most painful experiences I've ever been through. 

Doctors and nurses rounded and began singing a jolly tune as I lose and try to catch my breath. It's been three hours since I was wheeled in and strapped up, 14 hours since we got hooked up. I huffed, panted, turned blue and purple with every push. Red dots started to paint my face, neck and chest, nobody told me pushing can be really hard... nobody knew that I can't push, neither did I. I wanted to get off the operating table and just walk out of the hospital and get back home to have a large pitcher of water and a big bowl of pasta.

My thirst was unthinkable, but they said I still can't drink, I'm still less than 2 cms away from success. "Success? He decided to come out 2 weeks early and now he just won't budge out of my pelvis?!" That's what I thought. Midnight struck, they began singing again that familiar annual tune. "Oh great, for the next 7 years or so, every year's gonna be a kiddie party for me.", I said in exasperation, frustration, annoyance and everything in between.

Three more hours passed, one big jump from the anaesthesiologist, a jab on my belly and then pop! He wriggled out and let out a big cry. They had to force him out for I am incapable of pushing hard enough to encourage his way out. That cry, I almost passed out of relief, but his cry kept every nerves in my body alive. Euphoria. He then was placed on my chest, "So it's you..." those were my first words...Our first encounter, our first kiss, our first hug, our first "flow of life" as he quietly nestled at my bossom all happened so quickly yet it stays in my heart forever. His first "smile" happened right then and there with milk droplets at the corner of his mouth, "'re the one who'll complete my world.". And I fell in love unconditionally, at first sight.

Who wouldn't fall in love with that innocent smile?

Yes, my firstborn came in two weeks earlier than his EDD. And of all dates he'd choose, he chose to make me the happiest mom on my birthday. Isn't that something truly special? I was blessed with the greatest birthday gift I could ever have, a smiling, healthy baby boy. Our little dark haired prince, Keiran Erille. His name suits him prefectly Keiran being of Irish origin meaning "dark haired', and Erille from the name Ariel meaning "prince/lord". Befitting as it is, Keiran came out with a thick mop of jet black hair and as early as he was born, he already possesses a princely characteristic, charming.

Sleeping like an angel...
...dreaming of milk
a heart breaker in the making ;)

A rock star is born! Charming, isn't he?

Months went by so fast. What was once cozily nestled in my womb, quickly became an eager beaver exploring the world around him. Our once neat and tidy humble abode became a pile of mess with toys and other stuff. It may be a messy house most of the time, but our home was always filled with laughters, love and amazement at his every milestone.

Learning hoops at 10 months old...
His first photo shoot :)

It seems like it was just yesterday when my little prince was always cradled in my arms. Now, he's become an active toddler, still eager to learn just about anything, and soon will be going to school already. What a whirlwind it has been, our baby is now a doting "kuya" (big brother) to his little brother, always protecting and caring for his younger brother. Never wanting anyone going near his sibling. "I'm big now, see? I'm kuya, I'm strong", this is what he always tells us whenever we call him baby. Sometimes I feel my heart breaking whenever he refuses to be called "baby", he's still a baby, right? But no, he insists he's no longer one....

A loving big brother...
More fun and laughters in our home...

My handsome boys...

Of course, there are still times he'd act and would like to be treated like a baby. But oftentimes, this little prince prefers to be independent and be treated like an adult. Strong willed and determined, he always makes sure he gets his point across and that he gets what he wants. He has us wrapped around his little finger. My little Keiran, my sweet little boy, please don't grow up too fast. In mommy's eyes and heart, you'll always be my baby... you'll always be my first baby love.

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